Yummy sugar-free sweets

for a healthy smile

Our Products

All XyloBurst products are dentist-recommended and sweetened with 100% xylitol. No sugar, no aspartame, and no artificial sweeteners, EVER! Choose from sugar-free, xylitol-sweetened gums, mints, lollipops, jams, erythritol and xylitol sugar-free sweeteners, as well as mint toothpaste and mouthwash.

How Xylitol Works

The Tooth-Friendly Sweetener

Xylitol is a natural sweetener that shows the greatest promise for cavity prevention.

Tooth decay happens when bacteria in your mouth consume the sugars we eat. Xylitol is equal in sweetness and volume to sugar; however, it does not break down like sugar so bacteria cannot feed on it. This means fewer decay-causing bacteria survive on tooth surfaces, leading to less plaque and lower risk for cavities.

Our Products

Giving the Gift of
Good Health ​

Customer Reviews

"Not just for kids! Great natural flavors, not synthetic like some other candies I have tried, and does not leave weird aftertaste. No stomach issues either as some sugar substitutes can cause."
Daniel G.
"Not just for kids! Great natural flavors, not synthetic like some other candies I have tried, and does not leave weird aftertaste. No stomach issues either as some sugar substitutes can cause."
Sussy N.
"My littles love sweets but I hate pumping them full of sugar and potentially harming their little teeth. These sugar-free suckers are now my go-to when giving them treats and rewards."
Kathy F.
"My kids love them. Nothing artificial, and actually healthy for teeth! A mother's dream. Will be giving these out for Halloween!"
Sheena Lou P.
"My kids love them. Nothing artificial, and actually healthy for teeth! A mother's dream. Will be giving these out for Halloween!"
Cassandra S.
"My littles love sweets but I hate pumping them full of sugar and potentially harming their little teeth. These sugar-free suckers are now my go-to when giving them treats and rewards."
Martha W.
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