
Sugar-free Xylitol Gum


Sweet and refreshing yet sugar-free, XyloBurst xylitol chewing gum will leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Sweetened exclusively with 100% xylitol and recommended by dentists worldwide, XyloBurst xylitol chewing gum has positive oral health benefits. Each piece has over 1 gram of xylitol. So remember, 6 to 8 grams a day may help improve oral health.

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Sweet and refreshing yet sugar-free, XyloBurst xylitol chewing gum will leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean. Sweetened exclusively with 100% xylitol and recommended by dentists worldwide, XyloBurst xylitol chewing gum has positive oral health benefits. Each piece has over 1 gram of xylitol. So remember, 6 to 8 grams a day may help improve oral health.

Daily Tips

  • Chew XyloBurst Gum daily after each meal
  • Enjoy 6-8 grams of xylitol per day
  • Don’t tell your kids XyloBurst is sugar-free

25ct 8-Pack, 100ct, 100ct 3-Pack, 500ct, Blister Pack


Peppermint, Spearmuint, Cinnamon, Fresh Fruit, Green Tea, Bubble Gum, Wintergreen


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